Hurricane Preparations for Expecting Moms & Parents with a Newborn – 5 Things to Do

Hurricane Preparations for Expecting Moms & Parents with a Newborn – 5 Things to Do

As you embark on the beautiful journey of parenthood, ensuring the safety and well-being of both you and your little one is a top priority. When living in areas prone to hurricanes, this responsibility becomes even more critical. This guide is designed to help pregnant moms and parents of newborns prepare for hurricane season, ensuring…

What is a postpartum doula, and why you might need one

What is a postpartum doula, and why you might need one

A postpartum doula is a person who is there to mother the mother after she has given birth. The word “doula” comes from the Greek language and, when translated, means “a woman servant.”   A DONA-trained and certified postpartum doula is a professional who provides hands-on support during the crucial time after a family gives birth and…

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Top 3 Webster Certified Chiropractors for Pregnant Moms in Tampa, Florida

Related: Resources for Moms in Tampa Why see a Chiropractor during Pregnancy? During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes drastically – structurally, chemically, and emotionally. It is a time of incredible change and growth for the mother and the baby. While this transformation is beautiful, it can also be accompanied by physical discomfort and stress on…